Welcome baby Ellie! Happy Friday! Hope you are all doing well. I haven’t been posting much lately on this as life and work got busier than ever but I can’t complain. Since re-opening I have been meeting all my little and not so little clients here in my studio and on that note I would […]
Welcome Paulo! Hi there, I know I know… I have been so quiet on this lately but what can I say … I have been super busy with work and life in general. My studio is blooming with babies, communions and bluebells sessions as well as our little farm is producing amazing organic produce which […]
Happy New Year!! You have been with me and my family all year around which I am grateful for <3 Thank you for supporting my craft and trusting me with your babies, I can’t wait for 2018!!! Make sure to check out this slideshow showcasing some of my favourite images of babies from 2017: